Nordic Statistical Meeting 2019

Nordic Statistical Meeting 2019 (NSM2019) took place in Helsinki on 26 to 28 August 2019 under the theme Facts for Future. Programme (pdf)

Here you can find papers and presentations of the conference.

1. Getting Hold of Data

Methods to improve quality of questionnaire-based data collection

Bruer-Skarskö - Could fresh register data improve answers in surveys (docx)
Hendriks - Evidence-based quality improvement (docx)
Virtanen - Surveys are like a box of chocolate - you never know what you're going to get (docx)

Bruer-Skarsbö - Could fresh register data improve answering in surveys (pptx on SlideShare)
Rossbach - Evidence-based quality improvement in questionnaire-based data collection (pptx on SlideShare)
Virtanen_Saari - Effects of a chocolate response incentive on data quality and representativeness (pptx on SlideShare)

Mixed-mode surveys

Sauli - The key to good quality mixed mode surveys (docx)

Gravem - Mode-mixers of the North (pptx on SlideShare)
Lund - Forward looking or backward looking A descriptive analytical case study of web survey mode embracement (pptx on SlideShare)
Sauli - How to Fail in implementing Mixed Mode Data Collection (pptx on SlideShare)

Combining different sources for compiling statistics

Ossi Nurmi - Method for compiling statistics on rented holiday homes (docx)
Viklund - Municipal waste - existing data ready to be utilized (docx)

Jacobsen - Collecting data about womens shelters (pptx on SlideShare)
Nurmi et al - Method for compiling statistics on rented holiday homes (pptx on SlideShare)
Viklund and Sörme - Municipal waste existing data ready to be utilized (pptx on SlideShare)

Data management and sharing

Ruotsalainen - Nordic Mobility Statistics (docx)
Saar - The role of administrative data manager in getting access to data and metadata (docx)

Berendsen - How state data governance can contribute to better statistics (pptx on SlideShare)
Ruotsalainen - Nordic Mobility Statistics (pptx on SlideShare)
Saar - The role of administrative data manager in getting access to data and metadata (pptx on SlideShare)

New data, Machine Learning

Aanesen - Electricity data hub - a new source in statistics (docx)
Ahilathasan - Machine learning on the classification of economic activities (docx)
Haraldsen - A statistical approach to big data (docx)

Aanensens - electricity data hub (pptx on SlideShare)
Haraldsen - A statistical approach to Big Data (pptx on SlideShare)
Haugen - Machine learning on SIC (pptx on SlideShare)

2. Processing and Analysing

Processing social statistics

Ekberg - The wage effect of commuting - an analysis of the gender wage gap in local labour markets (docx)
Gylfadottir - Icelandic Wage Price Index (docx)
Visk - Constructing families using administrative registers (pdf)

Gylfadóttir - Icelandic Wage Price Index 30 years of experience and questioning (pptx on SlideShare)
Häggblom-Kinnunen-Population scenarios (pptx on SlideShare)
Visk Lehto - Constructing families final (pptx on SlideShare)
Widgren Ekberg - The wage effect of commuting (pptx on SlideShare)

Fruitfull multinational cooperation

Aalandslid - New comaparative data on migrants and their integration in the Nordic countries (docx)
Miettinen et al - Differences in accidents at work statistics between the Nordic countries (docx)
Nilsen et al - Establishing harmonized business Statistics Databases in the Nordic NSIs - challenges and achievements (docx)

Bjerre et al - New comparative data on migrants (pptx on SlideShare)
Miettinen - Differences in accidents at work statistics (pptx on SlideShare)
Nielsen - Establishing Harmonised Business Statistics Databases in the Nordic NSIs (pptx on SlideShare)

New roads

Granström - Developing new statistics describing the legal process of criminal justice process (docx)
Mortensen - Assessing the MNE pilot excercise - the case for LCUs (docx)
Peturson - Estimating the Residential Accommodation Component (docx)

Granström - Developing new statistics describing criminal justice process (pptx on SlideShare)
Mortensen Thomsen - Assessing the MNE Pilot Exercise (pptx on SlideShare)
Peturson - Esimating the Residential Accomodation Component in a Growing Tourism Market (pptx on SlideShare)

Statistical computing

Grini et al - Predicting the Contractual full time equivalent percentage using xgboost (docx)
Myklatun - Utilizing machine learning in the Consumer Price Index (docx)
Rörhus - Machine Learning in ITGS (docx)

Bakke Grini - Predicting the contractual full-time equivalent percentage using xgboost (pptx on SlideShare)
Myklatun - Machine learning (pptx on SlideShare)
Rörhus - Machine_learning_in_International Trade in Goods Statistics (pptx on SlideShare)

Different faces of validation

Gislason - Error detection for the statistics of external trade in goods (docx)
Hertz - Re-thinking data validation (docx)
Pasila et. al - Automatized Validation and Pseudonymization of Data Sets - a new data acquisition process (docx)

Hertz - Overgaard - Re-thinking Data Validation (pptx on SlideShare)
Pasila - Automatized validation and pseudonymization of data sets (pptx on SlideShare)
Svavarsdottir - Error detection for the statistics of external trade in goods (pptx on SlideShare)

Linking multisource data

Leino et al - Integrating areal classifications and geospatial data - case IGALOD (docx)
Fjärli - savings and investments in the private sector (PDF)
Grönvall - record linkage in agricultural statistics (docx)

Fjaerli - Saving and investments in the private sector (pptx on SlideShare)
Grönvall - record linkage in agricultural statistics (pptx on SlideShare)
Leino - Integrating areal classifications and geospatial data - case IGALOD (pptx on SlideShare)

Ensuring quality in official statistics

Bergdahl et al - Reporting on Accuracy for the National Accounts (docx)
Einarsdottir - Don't be afraid of the conceptual validity (docx)
Nilsen - Concepts making the complex simple (docx)

Einarsdottir - Conceptual validity (pptx on SlideShare)
Kaplan - Reporting on Accuracy for the National Accounts (pptx on SlideShare)
Nielsen - Concepts making the complexed simple (pptx on SlideShare)

3. Delivering and Communicating

Improving direct communication with users

Dzamarija - The pros and cons of having comprehensive framework agreement on migration related statistics and analyses at Statistics Norway (docx)
Eek - Better working methods to improve dialogue with respondents (docx)
Haverinen - Automatization of customer service could a chatbot answer statistical questions (docx)

Dzamarija - The pros and cons of having comprehensive framework agreement (pptx on SlideShare)
Eek - Better working methods to improve dialogue with respondents (pptx on SlideShare)
Haverinen - Automatization of Customer Service Could a Chatbot Answer Statistical Questions (pptx on SlideShare)

Enabeling expert users through good metadata and APIs

Bjorgvinsson - A leadership lost reclaiming the Nordics place in teh open data space (docx)
Piiroja et al - Harmonised structural metadata for faster and more coherent output (docx)
Platinovsek et al - Toward standardized statistical tables metadata-driven px-file production (docx)

Bjorgvinsson - A leadeship lost reclaiming the nordics place in the open data space (pptx on SlideShare)
Piiroja - Harmonized structural metadata for faster and more coherent output (pptx on SlideShare)
Platinovsek - Towards standardized statistical tables metadata-driven px-file production (pptx on SlideShare)

Finding – understanding – accomplishing: Efforts in more user-friendly dissemination

Bo - Making our external economy data more comprehensible (docx)
Karlsson - Building trust in official statistics, ethos, pathos and logos in a blog (docx)
Metsä - Experiences of mobile first articles and blogging service (docx)

Karlsson - Ethos patos and logos for building trust in official statistics (pptx on SlideShare)
Metsä - Experiences of articles and blogging service base (pptx on SlideShare)

Making an impact in the news

Fredriksen - Use your own statistical experts to set the agenda and build reputation (docx)
Majalahti - What media wants from Statistics Finland experts - a study on how to increase the visibility of our experts (docx)
Nörtoft - Proactive presswork - during national election and in general (docx)

Fredriksen - Use your own statistical experts to set the agenda and build reputation (pptx on SlideShare)
Harbo - Proactive presswork (pptx on SlideShare)
Majalahti - What media wants from Statistics Finland experts (pptx on SlideShare)

Implementing new tools for disseminating statistics and microdata

Brauer - Building Digital channels for fully personalised data experience (docx)
Sjöberg - Microdatano - ready, set research! (docx)
Valve - Fishing dashboard - improving the reporting of data on fisheries (docx)

Brauer - Building digital channels for fully personalised data experience (pptx on SlideShare)
Sjöberg Rönning – Microdatano (pptx on SlideShare)
Valve - Fishing dashboard (zip)

Promoting statistical learning in a time of information overload

Calian et al - SAILS an e-learning system using data of official statistics (docx)
Jokinen - Fact-based noise on social media efforts of statistical education in marketing (docx)
Stabell et al - Reaching the young population (docx)

Calian et al - SAILS an e-learning system using data of official statistics (pptx on SlideShare)
Jokinen - Fact based noise in social media Efforts of statistical education and marketing (pptx on SlideShare)
Stabell - Reaching the young population (pptx on SlideShare)

4. Facing the Future

The changing environment for official statistics

Malmdin - Quality Framework for Official Statistics of Sweden (docx)
Säbö - Official statistics as a safeguard against fake news (docx)
Stahel - Data sharing in the public sector A pilot for the Danish universities (docx)

Malmdin - A Quality Framwork for Official Statistics of Sweden (pptx on SlideShare)
Säbö - Official statistics as a safeguard against fake news (pptx on SlideShare)
Stahel - Data sharing in the public sector in Denmark (pptx on SlideShare)

The changing overall role and mission of NSIs

Amundsen - Fear and loathing in official statistics (docx)
Kirdan - Reconnecting to a fact-based ethos (docx)
Piela - Statistical Agencies facing the digital era (docx)

Amundsen - Fear and loathing in official statistics (pptx on SlideShare)
Kirdan - Reconectiong to a fact-based ethos (pptx on SlideShare)
Piela - Statistical agencies facing digital era (pptx on SlideShare)

Data science and technology partnerships

Beltadze - Cooperation with Scientific Communities (docx)
Bö - Succeeding with Analytics (docx)

Beltadze - Cooperation with scientific communities (pptx on SlideShare)
Bö - Succeeding with analytics (pptx on SlideShare)
Mortensen - Why is statistics Denmark interested in big data in biomedicine (pptx on SlideShare)

User driven innovation

Jenssen et al - A conversation on the challenges of modernization (docx)
Mäkelä - Design thinking in developing new concepts for statistical content (docx)
Skovbo - Pros and Cons of Tailor-made data solutions and income generating activities to NSI activity (docx)

Mäkelä - Design_thinking_in developing new concepts for statistical content (pptx on SlideShare)
Schiro Jensen - Modernization status its complicated - challenges in collaboration between statisticians and system developers (pptx on SlideShare)
Thomsen - Income generating activities and its role in national statistical organisations (pptx on SlideShare)

Modernisation of process, system and quality management

Falch - Modernising statistical production at Statistics Norway (docx)
Glomsås - Hack4ssb in Statistics Norway (docx)
Kaukonen - The expanding role of metadata supporting a modern statistical production process (docx)

Falch - Modernizing statistical production at Statistics Norway (pptx on SlideShare)
Glomsås - Hack4ssb (pptx on SlideShare)
Kaukonen Saloila - The expanding role of metadata supporting modern statistical production process (pptx on SlideShare)

The global picture – NSIs and SDGs

Bring - Nordic Sustainable Development Indicators in the light of agenda 2030 (docx)
Frankl et al - Nordic Experiences in Coordination of Compilation and Communication of Global SDG Indicators (docx)
Olsen - The SDGs and enterprises hot to measure their contribution (docx)

Agerskov Bring - Nordic Sustainable Development Indicators in the light of 2030 (pptx on SlideShare)
Olsen - The SDG's and the enterprises how to measure their contribution (pptx on SlideShare)
Rognerud - Nordic experiences in the coordination of compilation and communication of global SDG indicators (pptx on SlideShare)


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