Group of statistical units in the regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity has changed

Date of change:

The group of statistical units in the structural business and financial statement statistics will be expanded starting from the statistical reference year 2021. Limitations concerning the operating time and size of enterprises have been removed from the definition of statistical units. Previously, only enterprises having operated for at least six months in the statistical reference year and whose turnover, number of personnel, investments or balance sheet exceeded the statistical limit were included in the statistics.

In future, the statistics will include all market-based enterprises that have had turnover, personnel, other operating income, investments, or balance sheet during the statistical reference year. The effect of the new statistical units on variables other than the number of enterprises is mainly quite marginal. The expansion of statistical units has been carried out as part of the implementation of the new EU Regulation on European business statistics (EBS). EU:s grant-finansiering har beviljats för revidering av statistikföringen åren 2020–2022.

In connection with the change, the StatFin database tables have been remade. The data have been formed with the new statistical units for 2017 to 2020 as well. Database tables created with the old statistical units can be found in the StatFin database archive.

The effect of the changes can be estimated by comparing the data of new and old tables. The total number of enterprises will increase by around 50 per cent. The new statistical units increase the turnover of the statistics as a whole by under 0.5 per cent.

New and archived database tables

Statistic:  regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity
Date of the change: 3rd March 2023

The following tables: 11ak, 11db, 11dc,11ds, 11fq, 11fr, 11fs and 11ft are moved to the archive
.  3.3.2023

⁠Tables 11ak, 11db, 11dc, 11ds, 11fq are replaced by new tables 3.3.2023

Tables ⁠11fq, 11fr, 11fs ja 11ft are replaced by new tables 31.3.2023

new table

replaces table in achive

13wv --Establishments of enterprises by industry

11ak -Establishments of enterprises by industry

13wx -- Establishments by industry and regionEstablishments of enterprises by industry and size category of personnel

11ds - Establishments of enterprises by industry and size category of personnel

13ww -- Establishments by industry and region

11db - Establishments by industry and region

13wy -- Establishments of enterprises by industry and size category of turnover

11fq - Establishments of enterprises by industry and size category of turnover

13wz-- Establishments of enterprises by municipality

11dc - Establishments of enterprises by municipality

13x1-- Retail trade establishments by municipality

11fr - Retail trade establishments by municipality

13x2-- Gross value and value added of establishments of enterprises by industry and region

11fs - Gross value and
value added of establishments of enterprises by industry and region

13x3-- Gross value and value added of establishments of enterprises by industry, region and size category

11ft - Gross value and value added of establishments of enterprises by industry, region and size category

New tables have swedish and english translations. Archived tables can be found from StatFins archive database.

Further information

Mira Kuussaari
Senior Statistician
029 551 3538
Milka Suomalainen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3621